Official Connacht GAA Website

Coaches Self Evaluation

Coaches self-evaluation/reflection:

This needs to be carried out mid-season and also at the end of season

1 – Insufficient/not done

2 – Done, but not satisfied or done infrequently

3 – Sometimes/average

4 – Done most of the time, satisfactory

5 – Always done, highly satisfactory


_____ 1. I upskilled throughout the season workshop’s, readings, podcasts, webinars etc.

_____ 2. I ask questions with other coaches to advance my knowledge of my sport.

_____ 3. I have the knowledge of skills and strategies necessary to coach my sport.

_____ 4. I effectively use my knowledge to teach the skills of my sport.

_____ 5. I effectively teach the tactics of my sport. (age related)

_____ 6. I am an effective coach when my team is competing.

_____ 7. I plan well-organized practices each day.

_____ 8. I have a year-round plan and a seasonal plan in place for the team.

_____  9. I select the team based on enhancing the development of individuals.

_____ 10. My athletes have shown improvement as the season progressed.

_____ 11. My team reflects my passion for my sport.

_____ 12. I have clearly stated goals and objectives for the season.

_____ 13. My team knows the goals and objectives for the season.

_____ 14. I interact with each of my athletes during each session.

_____ 15. I seek input from my athletes.

_____ 16. I communicate effectively with each of my athletes.

_____ 17. I communicate with my athlete’s parents.

_____ 18. I do a good job of dealing with conflict or disagreement.

_____ 19 My team’s morale was good.

_____ 20. I have regularly communicated the standards and expectations to my athletes and their parents.

_____ 21. I attempt to develop leadership skills in my athletes.

_____ 22. My feedback to my athletes is effective, appropriate and timely.

_____ 23. I provide positive comments to my athletes, often in the form of praise.

_____ 24. My athletes know that I care for them in their non-sports efforts.


_____ 25. The other coaches know my philosophy of coaching.

_____ 26. I communicate the goals and objectives for sessions with my coaches.

_____ 27. I welcome the input off other coaches before making major decisions.

_____ 28. I communicate with other coaches in the club

_____ 29. I present opportunities for my staff to develop coaching skills.


_____ 30. I maintain an appropriate balance between my coaching efforts and my personal life.

_____ 31. I treat players and coaches with respect.

_____ 32. I show concern for others.

_____ 33. My coaching efforts have been self-rewarding.

_____ 34. My coaching efforts have positively influenced the players.




List 3 things that you think have went well during the season so far:

•    1._____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3._____________________________


List 3 things that you might do differently or better for the remainder of the season:

•    1.____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3. ____________________________



List 3 things that you will focus on or continue to focus on for the rest of the season:

•    1.____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3.______________________________




List 3 things that you think went well during the season:

•    1._____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3._____________________________



Looking back, what improved and what would you have improved after the mid-season review:

•    1._____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3._____________________________



List 3 things that you will focus on for next season:

•    1._____________________________


•    2._____________________________


•    3._____________________________



Coaches Self Evaluation Section